published in French and Dutch available in PDFL. Michel participated as active member…
Category: Society of Risks – Risikogesellschaft (page 3)
Secret medical et dossier informatise
published in Louvain médical2001; 120:S125-S132 (in french)
Occurence of thyroid papillary carcinoma in young patients. A Chernobyl connection ?
published in Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism2001, vol. 14, pp. 503-506
Erreur Active et Erreur Latente dans une Société du Risque
published in Risque et Systemes Complexes. Chap.V. Ed.P.HUPETPIE – Peter Lang, Berlin.New-York.Oxford.Wien. 2001,…
Pécrot : erreur active et erreur latente
published in Le Soir, 4 April 2001
Experiences chirurgicales et innovations medicales
published in Le Soir – Carte blanche2 February 2001
Simple index for prediction of cardiac risk is stable patients undergoing non urgent major noncardiac surgery
published in Circulation2000; 102: e-106
Du bon usage de la Métaphore
published in La Libre Belgique, rubrique Débats, 20 mars 2000.
Les défis de la répartition des ressources en soins de santé (Challenge of Resources Allocation in Health Care)
published in Revue Nouvelle2000; 111:32-53.
Contraintes et limites de la recherche medicale sur l’homme
published in Louvain médical1997; 116: S19-S24 (in french)