Abstract Objective: We raised the question of a possible relationship in Belgium…
Category: Miscellaneous
How to Prepare a Scientific Surgical Paper – A practical approach
Luc A MICHEL. Acta Chirurgica 2012;112:323-339.Like a cookbook, a “how to ” article…
Avoidance of aggravated hypoxemia during measurement of mean pulmonary artery wedged pressure in ARDS
published in Chest1983, vol. 83, pp. 70-74
Tchernobyl: Il faut tirer les leçons du passé
Tchernobyl: Il faut tirer les leçons du passéLe SOIR – 27 avril…
Surgeons & the Paradoxes of Disaster Situations. Presidential Address at the 11th Belgian Surgical Week
Luc MICHEL. Paper published in Acta Chirurgica Belgica 2010;110:510-516.Text of the Presidential address made at…
Management of Common Bile Duct Stone Late after Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass for Obesity
published in Acta Chirurgica Belgica2009, 109, 820-823 Abstract Rapid weight loss following Roux-en-Y…
Chronic adhesive small bowel volvulus: “Whirl Sign” on CT-scan
published in Acta Chirurgica Belgica2005; 105: 118-120.
Prague, the meeting point of European ideological nightmares and European cultural dreams
published in Bulletin HPB Chirurgie2004;12:4-9.
Factors affecting mortality in generalized postoperative peritonitis : multivariate analysis in 96 patients
published in World Journal of Surgery2003, vol. 27, pp. 379-384
Intraoperative gamma probe detection of insulinoma in an elderly patient with pancreatic cystic lesions
published in Clinical Endocrinology2002;57:547-549