published in French and Dutch available in PDFL. Michel participated as active member…
Author: Luc MICHEL (page 9)
Le Comité national de bioéthique (Interview de l’AMA-UCL, Partie I)
published in Louvain, Janvier 20022002; 125:8-11.
Secret medical et dossier informatisé (Medical Secrecy and Electronic Chart)
published in Louvain médical2001; 120:S125-S132
Secret medical et dossier informatise
published in Louvain médical2001; 120:S125-S132 (in french)
Associer la profession médicale à la réforme des systèmes de santé
published in Le Soir, 11 August 2001
Occurence of thyroid papillary carcinoma in young patients. A Chernobyl connection ?
published in Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism2001, vol. 14, pp. 503-506
Erreur Active et Erreur Latente dans une Société du Risque
published in Risque et Systemes Complexes. Chap.V. Ed.P.HUPETPIE – Peter Lang, Berlin.New-York.Oxford.Wien. 2001,…
Changing pattern for management of severe blunt liver trauma – CT reconstruction: a useful complementary tool?
published in Annals of Surgical Hepatology (Moscow)2001; 6: 25-35 (in english with long…
Pécrot : erreur active et erreur latente
published in Le Soir, 4 April 2001
La pratique clinique quotidienne face aux choix prioritaires
published in Les Politiques Sociales2001, ISSSN 0037-2641. pp.9-27