published in Surgical Endoscopy2007; 21:145-151 Abstract The idea that clinical practice should…
Author: Luc MICHEL (page 4)
Experimental and clinical radiofrequency ablation : proposal for standardised description of coagulation size and geometry
published in Annals of Surgical Oncology2007; 14:1381-1396.
Magnetic resonance imaging after radiofrequency ablation in a rodent model of liver tumor: tissue characterization using a novel necrosis-avid contrast agent
published in European Radiology2006; 16: 1031-40.
Epistemology of Evidence Based Medicine
published in Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica2006; 69: 238-246.
Radiofrequency Ablation: The Use of Appropriate Terms and the Citation of Prior Articles
published in Academic Radiology2006; 13: 1047-48.
Tchernobyl : les retombées belges
published in Vers l’Avenir (24 April 2006)Press Interview
Nitric oxide, vascular endothelial growth factor and angiopoietin in papillary thyroid carcinoma
published in Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolismeletter 21 April 2006 – http://jcem.endojournals.Org
Question to the Home Office Minister of Belgium by Mr.Joseph Arens MP – 3 May 2006. The MP political arguments are based – without even referring to it – on L.Michel interview.
published in Fourth session of the 51st Legislative Year of the Belgian ParliamentDocument…
Interrelated overexpression of endothelial and inductible nitric oxyde synthetases, endothelin-1 and angiogenic factors in human papillary thyroid carcinoma
published in Clinical Endocrinology2006;64:703-710
Press Conference on 17 February 2006 by the Presidents and Rapporteurs of the Commission preparing Opinion N°33 of the Belgian National Bioethics Committee : “Somatic and Germinal gene modifications
published in Journal du Medecin2006; 1736: 4-5 (in french 24 February 2006)